Contact Us: (email is checked periodically)
Escanaba Yacht Club
PO Box 70
Escanaba, Mi 49829
Located at the City of Escanaba Marina
EYC Burgees are available for $35.00 - contact a EYC member to get yours!
Escanaba Yacht Club
PO Box 70
Escanaba, Mi 49829
Located at the City of Escanaba Marina
EYC Burgees are available for $35.00 - contact a EYC member to get yours!
Online payments by debit/credit card via safe and secure PayPal.
Click the "Donate" button below to pay your dues, race fees, or to donate by.
EYC dues are $100.00 annually (membership year is May 1st to April 30th)
To pay your Race Fees, select $100.00 (season pass - covering all races).
To make a donation to the EYC, click "Other" and enter the amount.
Donations go to the general fund and will be used for Club maintenance projects, unless agreed to otherwise by the Board of Directors.
Online payments by debit/credit card via safe and secure PayPal.
Click the "Donate" button below to pay your dues, race fees, or to donate by.
EYC dues are $100.00 annually (membership year is May 1st to April 30th)
To pay your Race Fees, select $100.00 (season pass - covering all races).
To make a donation to the EYC, click "Other" and enter the amount.
Donations go to the general fund and will be used for Club maintenance projects, unless agreed to otherwise by the Board of Directors.
EYC Club House Rentals:
The EYC Clubhouse is available for public rental subject to the Rental Policy.
Roxanne Branson is the coordinator for Club Rentals.
Click Here for the EYC Rental Policy
(subject to revision, exception, and interpretation by the EYC Board of Directors)
Roxanne Branson is the coordinator for Club Rentals.
Click Here for the EYC Rental Policy
(subject to revision, exception, and interpretation by the EYC Board of Directors)
EYC Board:
Commodore: Mark Meyer
Past Commodore: Greg Gardner
Vice Com. Sail: John Anthony
Vice Com. Power/Cruise: Jim Sprague
Treasurer: Sue Harris
Secretary: Michael Manning
Social Director: Nicole Fitch
Tyler Anthony (2024 & 2025)
Alex Sundstrom (2024 & 2025)
Paul Carne (2023 & 2024)
Michael Growdon (2023 & 2024)
Commodore: Mark Meyer
Past Commodore: Greg Gardner
Vice Com. Sail: John Anthony
Vice Com. Power/Cruise: Jim Sprague
Treasurer: Sue Harris
Secretary: Michael Manning
Social Director: Nicole Fitch
Tyler Anthony (2024 & 2025)
Alex Sundstrom (2024 & 2025)
Paul Carne (2023 & 2024)
Michael Growdon (2023 & 2024)