2021 What's Next?
The Board is working on the 2021 calendar for safe summer fun. As with last year, events will be rescheduled or cancelled if necessary. Thanks to Bob Bob Rosenfeldt for serving on the board for the last few years. This year, the EYC Members welcome to Bob Yin to the Board.
Stay on watch for more information!
The Board is working on the 2021 calendar for safe summer fun. As with last year, events will be rescheduled or cancelled if necessary. Thanks to Bob Bob Rosenfeldt for serving on the board for the last few years. This year, the EYC Members welcome to Bob Yin to the Board.
Stay on watch for more information!
2020 Season Wrap Up!
Thanks to our dedicated EYC Members!
Six months ago we wondered how to navigate the year! The unknown was how to hold events that allowed our members to safely enjoy the EYC, the Harbor, and Race Course. With a safe and successful season behind us, we've arrived at our destination.
Thanks to our dedicated EYC Members!
Thanks to our dedicated EYC Members!
Six months ago we wondered how to navigate the year! The unknown was how to hold events that allowed our members to safely enjoy the EYC, the Harbor, and Race Course. With a safe and successful season behind us, we've arrived at our destination.
- The Club is now closed for the season.
- The Halloween Party was cancelled.
- The Annual Banquet, scheduled for January 2021, is postponed for the safety of our members. The Board will reschedule the 2020 Banquet at a later date.
Thanks to our dedicated EYC Members!
September Updates
Upcoming Events
The 2020 Race Season is wrapping up the year with the final race. The EYC Frostbite Race is Saturday, September 12th. The Skippers Meeting is at 1:00 p.m. with the Race Start at 2:00 p.m. Afterwards, there will be a Post-Race Porch Party! Hot dogs and chips will be provided. Bring your refreshments and extra food for your crew if you like.
It may be a little cool outside, appropriate for the Frostbite Race! No reason to complain; let’s enjoy the last event of the season!!
The fabulous Pasta Dinner, presented by Roxanne, is cancelled this year for prudence and safety. Thanks to Roxanne, we look forward to the traditional dinner resuming next year.
Earlier Updates:
Saturday, August 22nd: EYC Cruise - Mike Sundstrom Memorial: Tentative location is Jackson Harbor
Upcoming Events
The 2020 Race Season is wrapping up the year with the final race. The EYC Frostbite Race is Saturday, September 12th. The Skippers Meeting is at 1:00 p.m. with the Race Start at 2:00 p.m. Afterwards, there will be a Post-Race Porch Party! Hot dogs and chips will be provided. Bring your refreshments and extra food for your crew if you like.
It may be a little cool outside, appropriate for the Frostbite Race! No reason to complain; let’s enjoy the last event of the season!!
The fabulous Pasta Dinner, presented by Roxanne, is cancelled this year for prudence and safety. Thanks to Roxanne, we look forward to the traditional dinner resuming next year.
Earlier Updates:
Saturday, August 22nd: EYC Cruise - Mike Sundstrom Memorial: Tentative location is Jackson Harbor
Recent Events
- Wednesday Night Series: June 17th, June 24th, July 1st, July 10th. June Race Series #2 (race #1 was cancelled). See the Racing page for results.
- Saturday, June 27th: EYC Commodores Dinner. WOW! Fantastic food, professionally prepared and served, with safe distancing. The event was held in accordance with safety protocol and requirements. Dinner was served outdoors. A fantastic catered Mexican dinner.
- Mid Summer Race: July 15th. See the Racing Page for results.
- Saturday, June 27th: C.W. Stoll Race (cancelled)
High Water Levels:
Escanaba: The Marina is open are ready boats. The docks are operational except for the face wall of "L Dock".
Rock Island State Park is closed until July, in part, because the high wter level is nearing the top of the concrete breakwall & dock.
Jackson Harbor, Washington Island: We hear the dock is open. However, the town has shut off power at the dock and discouraged boaters from permanently mooring there.
Escanaba: The Marina is open are ready boats. The docks are operational except for the face wall of "L Dock".
Rock Island State Park is closed until July, in part, because the high wter level is nearing the top of the concrete breakwall & dock.
Jackson Harbor, Washington Island: We hear the dock is open. However, the town has shut off power at the dock and discouraged boaters from permanently mooring there.
2019 EYC Annual Dinner - January 18th
The Annual Banquet was filled with friends and Club spirit! The Terrace served a delicious dinner and offered warm hospitality. At the Banquet, which is the EYC annual meeting, the updated By-Laws were approved. The new Directors, Kelly Walch and Mark Meyer, were introduced. Thanks were expressed to Alex Sundstrom and Terry Reynolds for their service as past Directors. The Table Trivia returned this year with good fun and challenging questions.
The 2019 Sailor of the Year was presented to David Anthony and the 2019 Yachtsman of the Year to Terry Reynolds. Thanks to Greg Gardner for continuing to lead the EYC as Commodore. Thanks Cindy for organizing the Banquet!
The Annual Banquet was filled with friends and Club spirit! The Terrace served a delicious dinner and offered warm hospitality. At the Banquet, which is the EYC annual meeting, the updated By-Laws were approved. The new Directors, Kelly Walch and Mark Meyer, were introduced. Thanks were expressed to Alex Sundstrom and Terry Reynolds for their service as past Directors. The Table Trivia returned this year with good fun and challenging questions.
The 2019 Sailor of the Year was presented to David Anthony and the 2019 Yachtsman of the Year to Terry Reynolds. Thanks to Greg Gardner for continuing to lead the EYC as Commodore. Thanks Cindy for organizing the Banquet!
Pasta Extravaganza & Frostbite Race: Buongiorno! Roxanne hosted the fabulous Pasta Dinner featuring Cheese Ravioli with Bolognese, Fettucini Alfredo, Spaghetti with Italian Meat Sauce along with salad, coffee, and desert. Another fantastic evening of food and friendship. Thanks Roxanne! The final race of the season was held with a large turnout of boats. Check out the "Racing" page for the results.
Mike Sundstrom Memorial Cruise: The cruise to Washington Island was held on August 24th with several EYC boats attending. The event celebrated our friend, life long boater, and EYC director Mike Sundstrom who passed away this year. Jackson Harbor was Mike's favorite destination. Thanks to Brian Porior, EYC Vice Commodore of Power, for organizing the event!
EYC Regatta & Dinner: Wow - a fabulous summer dinner on the Marina featuring BBQ Ribs, Baked Potatoes, Corn on the Cob. To top it off Music by the duo Wingin' It will pay on the porch at 7:00 p.m. Thanks Cindy! The August Regatta Race was held that afternoon. See the "Racing" page for the results.
4th of July Brunch: Start the Holiday right at the EYC. Enjoy the morning brunch of cheesy potatoes, egg dish, sausage, pancakes, fruit, and coffee on porch overlooking the Marina. The cost is only $8 with children under 10 free! The brunch is open to the public and your friends and family are welcomed.
Inland Seas - August 1st: The Inland Seas will be visiting Escanaba and using the Club on August 1st. The Inland Seas Education Association (ISEA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to inspire Great Lakes curiosity, stewardship, and passion. Every year, as many as 5,000 students sail and learn about the Great Lakes aboard ISEA’s science-lab equipped School-ships.
Commodore's Dinner & C.W. Stoll Race: June 15th was a delightful EYC Commodore's Dinner. Thanks to Cindy and all who assisted including Commodore Greg Gardner. The C.W. Stoll Race took place with both a Cruising Course and the 22.2 Mile Classic course. The detailed results are published on the "Racing" page.
Spinnaker Class:
1) Audacity - Michael Laing
2) Dolce - Robert Yin
3) Tritium - Jenny & PJ Bissell
Cruise Class:
1) Moonshadow - David Anthony
2) Impulse - Terry Reynolds
Spinnaker Class:
1) Audacity - Michael Laing
2) Dolce - Robert Yin
3) Tritium - Jenny & PJ Bissell
Cruise Class:
1) Moonshadow - David Anthony
2) Impulse - Terry Reynolds
RC Boat Racing In Florida: Members Terry & Mike enjoying 'a Florida spring break' . The EYC fleet made a good showing with competitive results!
Annual Banquet: The spirits were high as the EYC members met on a cold winter night for the banquet. The Terrace Bay Resort was a festive venue and the ballroom was bright and bubbled with the conversations and laughs from the large # of members attending. The Club financials were reported with the accounts in good order. Outgoing Commodore David Anthony passed the gavel to our new Commodore Greg Gardner. The new 2019 Board is listed below and welcome to Brian Porior who was elected as Vice Commodore of Power & Cruise.
Commodore: Greg Gardner
Vice Commodore Sail: John Anthony
Vice Commodore Power: Brian Porior
Past Commodore: David Anthony
Treasurer: Sue Harris
Secretary: Michael Manning
Social Director: Cindy Anthony
Directors: Terry Reynolds (2018-19), Bob Rosenfeldt (2019-20), Alex Sundstrom (2018-19), Dan Branson (2019-20)
The Sailor of the Year award was presented to Tom Ford with a warm introduction by Jim Hansen. The Yachtsman of the Year was awarded to Mike Sundstrom for his lifelong love of the harbor, involvement in boating, and contributions to the EYC. The award was presented to Alex Sundstrom, Mike's son.
Commodore: Greg Gardner
Vice Commodore Sail: John Anthony
Vice Commodore Power: Brian Porior
Past Commodore: David Anthony
Treasurer: Sue Harris
Secretary: Michael Manning
Social Director: Cindy Anthony
Directors: Terry Reynolds (2018-19), Bob Rosenfeldt (2019-20), Alex Sundstrom (2018-19), Dan Branson (2019-20)
The Sailor of the Year award was presented to Tom Ford with a warm introduction by Jim Hansen. The Yachtsman of the Year was awarded to Mike Sundstrom for his lifelong love of the harbor, involvement in boating, and contributions to the EYC. The award was presented to Alex Sundstrom, Mike's son.
Farewell to member Mike 'Suds' Sundstrom: From his days as a teenage 'harbor rat' - Mike's life revolved around the harbor. Mike was the EYC Vice Commodore of Power/Cruise. Mike always had a smile, especially when enjoying his powerboat "Brown Eyed Girl" the nickname for his wife, Phros, who passed away two years ago. We fondly remember his smile and wave, and his Jack Russell Terriers too, as we passed by on the dock! His legacy carries on with son's Nick (Lisa) residing in Denver and Alex of Escanaba who also serves on the EYC Board. Fair winds and smooth seas Suds!
Click here to read the obituary for Mike Sundstrom
Click here to read the obituary for Mike Sundstrom
Halloween & Closing Party - October 27th: Costumes are encouraged, but not required. Bring a friend! 7:00 p.m. at the Clubhouse and enjoy a scary good time!
Pasta Extravaganza & Frostbite Race: Capping off the summer season was Roxanne's fabulous dinner. Her cheese ravioli with bolognese, fettucini alfredo, spaghetti with italian meat sauce, and all the compliments. The guests stated that Roxanne's Italian dinner was Delizioso (delicious) and the evening Squisito (fabulous)! The Frostbite results are on the "Race" page.
Regatta Race & Dinner: The Regatta Dinner kicked off with cocktails at 5:30 pm. Cindy is serving a summer menu featuring Cuban pork, rice and beans, coleslaw, & dessert. Live music by Chloe Smith topped off the beautiful summer evening! Skippers meeting at noon with results on the race page.
Come Sail Away: Year two was another smashing success! Approximately 30 people enjoyed a sailboat ride and all the time slots were filled. We had such a great day at the EYC meeting new friends and giving sailboat rides. Thank you to the skippers: Jim and Alice Hansen of Galivant, Dave Anthony of Moonshadow, Jenny and PJ Bissell of Tritium, and Tom Woodaz of 7-Up. Special thanks to all the crew who assisted and Sue Clifton who helps her sister Cindy with everything!
EYC Is Featured on WLUC TV-6 News: Click here
EYC Is Featured on WLUC TV-6 News: Click here
June 2018 Bay Breeze: Click here to download
Ann Shipman Memorial, Saturday, July 7th: The family of Ann Rita Shipman (June 2, 1931 to October 9, 2017) invite you to celebrate her life. A memorial funeral service will be held on Saturday, July 7th, at 11 a.m. at St. Joesph's Church in Escanaba. Luncheon will follow at 12:30 p.m. at the Escanaba Yacht Club for family friends and EYC members. Ann will be missed by all.
July 4th Brunch: Come down to the EYC and share some pancakes with us! Only $8 per person and kids under 5 are free. Open to the public! We look forward to seeing you on the Fourth!
Marina Fest, Saturday, July 18th: Music, sun, & fun from 10 a.m. until 11 p.m. With 5 bands, 3 food vendors, games & activies!
Mid-Summer Race, Wednesday, July 11th: Island or Jimmy Buffet attire required on the boats. Post race social is bring a snack to share.
EYC Commodore's Dinner & Stoll Race - June 16th: Another great Commodore's Dinner! Thanks Cindy, David, and helpers!! The classic C.W. Stoll Race was a no go this year. Following a 1 hour weather delay the thunderstorm activity required a cancellation of the race. Next year!
NEW Small Boat Racing: A group of local small sailboat sailors plan to meet for a fun sail & race on Saturdays @ 1:00 p.m. & Sundays @ 3:00 p.m. (June through September). Meeting location is on Aronson Island across from the Bath House. Buoys are placed in the south-west basin of the harbor. Each skipper is responsible for his/her vessel and crew and has the sole responsibility for safety and the decision to sail or not. For more information contact Bob Rosenfeldt at bobrosenfeldt@yahoo.com or text at 906-399-1332. Fun Sailing → Open To All → No Cost → Organized By The Participants
EYC Opening Party & Fun Run - June 1st: The EYC Members and guests enjoyed the Opening Party and Fun Run Parade. Great turnout, great evening!
April 2018 Bay Breeze: Click here to download
Marilyn has done a fantastic job putting together another Bay Breeze. I'm sure you will enjoy John Mitchell's club history that Marilyn and Dean expanded on with pictures of many of the boats. You can find them both on our EYC web page along with the EYC Calendar that John does a great job updating. Thank you to all of those who have sent in their dues. If you would like an additional card let me know. So batten down the hatches and we will see you soon! Commodore Dave
Breaking News: A HISTORY OF THE ESCANABA YACHT CLUB 1934-1959 by John Mitchell - Edited by Marilyn Brown (2018) is now available. A fascinating history of the EYC and boating on the Bay. Check out the photos! Click the Club "History" page.
Ann Shipman Memorial, Saturday, July 7th: The family of Ann Rita Shipman (June 2, 1931 to October 9, 2017) invite you to celebrate her life. A memorial funeral service will be held on Saturday, July 7th, at 11 a.m. at St. Joesph's Church in Escanaba. Luncheon will follow at 12:30 p.m. at the Escanaba Yacht Club for family friends and EYC members. Ann will be missed by all.
July 4th Brunch: Come down to the EYC and share some pancakes with us! Only $8 per person and kids under 5 are free. Open to the public! We look forward to seeing you on the Fourth!
Marina Fest, Saturday, July 18th: Music, sun, & fun from 10 a.m. until 11 p.m. With 5 bands, 3 food vendors, games & activies!
Mid-Summer Race, Wednesday, July 11th: Island or Jimmy Buffet attire required on the boats. Post race social is bring a snack to share.
EYC Commodore's Dinner & Stoll Race - June 16th: Another great Commodore's Dinner! Thanks Cindy, David, and helpers!! The classic C.W. Stoll Race was a no go this year. Following a 1 hour weather delay the thunderstorm activity required a cancellation of the race. Next year!
NEW Small Boat Racing: A group of local small sailboat sailors plan to meet for a fun sail & race on Saturdays @ 1:00 p.m. & Sundays @ 3:00 p.m. (June through September). Meeting location is on Aronson Island across from the Bath House. Buoys are placed in the south-west basin of the harbor. Each skipper is responsible for his/her vessel and crew and has the sole responsibility for safety and the decision to sail or not. For more information contact Bob Rosenfeldt at bobrosenfeldt@yahoo.com or text at 906-399-1332. Fun Sailing → Open To All → No Cost → Organized By The Participants
EYC Opening Party & Fun Run - June 1st: The EYC Members and guests enjoyed the Opening Party and Fun Run Parade. Great turnout, great evening!
April 2018 Bay Breeze: Click here to download
Marilyn has done a fantastic job putting together another Bay Breeze. I'm sure you will enjoy John Mitchell's club history that Marilyn and Dean expanded on with pictures of many of the boats. You can find them both on our EYC web page along with the EYC Calendar that John does a great job updating. Thank you to all of those who have sent in their dues. If you would like an additional card let me know. So batten down the hatches and we will see you soon! Commodore Dave
Breaking News: A HISTORY OF THE ESCANABA YACHT CLUB 1934-1959 by John Mitchell - Edited by Marilyn Brown (2018) is now available. A fascinating history of the EYC and boating on the Bay. Check out the photos! Click the Club "History" page.
EYC Annual Banquet - Saturday, January 20th, @ the Terrace Bay Inn: Friendship & celebration at the EYC Banquet! The members took a break from the Winter Wonderland to catch up with friends. In addition, members received the EYC financial report by Sue Harris and the board election results. The 2017 Race trophies and plaques were awarded. Dean Shipman shared a witty story from the archives that was written by his Dad. Marilyn read a fascinating recount from John Mitchell of storms and survival on the Bay. Commodore David Anthony admirably was the master of ceremony! Yachtsman of the Year: Congratulations to Marilyn Kinsey Brown! The Sailor of the Year was deservedly awarded to Tom Woodaz! Thanks to all for attending and Cindy for organizing the banquet!

2016 & 2017 News & Events
October 2017 Bay Breeze: Thanks to Marilyn Kinsey Brown for authoring the newsletter and the many contributors! Click here to download
Halloween Closing Party - Saturday, October 28th: The EYC members donned costumes and had a scary good time. Thanks Cindy for hosting the ghosts and goblins!
September 9th Pasta Dinner & Frostbite Race: Roxanne served members and guests with a fabulous pasta dinner featuring her homemade sauces and a beautifully decorated club. Pasta-licious! Thanks to Roxanne, Dan, Dane, and all the helpers! Congratulations to Josh Anthony & Moonshadow for taking the top spot in the Frostbite Cruising Class and to Dolce, skippered by Bob Yin, on 1st in the Spinnaker+ class! The results are on the "Racing" page.
October 2017 Bay Breeze: Thanks to Marilyn Kinsey Brown for authoring the newsletter and the many contributors! Click here to download
Halloween Closing Party - Saturday, October 28th: The EYC members donned costumes and had a scary good time. Thanks Cindy for hosting the ghosts and goblins!
September 9th Pasta Dinner & Frostbite Race: Roxanne served members and guests with a fabulous pasta dinner featuring her homemade sauces and a beautifully decorated club. Pasta-licious! Thanks to Roxanne, Dan, Dane, and all the helpers! Congratulations to Josh Anthony & Moonshadow for taking the top spot in the Frostbite Cruising Class and to Dolce, skippered by Bob Yin, on 1st in the Spinnaker+ class! The results are on the "Racing" page.

August 19th Docktails Party & Dinner: Thanks to Social Chair Cindy and helpers for serving a wonderful dinner featuring Honey Lime Ginger Pork. Also, thanks to the EYC members who extended the dock hospitality through tours, snacks, and refreshments!
August Race Series: Racing resumes for all classes beginning August 2nd.
July 29th MarinaFest
Marina + Festival - enjoy the Marina Fest this Saturday! A fun sailing race, radio controlled sailboat demo, food vendors and of course the talented music! Bring a lawn chair and relax. Sailing race - Skippers meeting at 11 a.m. & start at Noon. Radio Control Sailboat demonstrations and race at 4:30 pm by the Gas Dock.
July 15th 'Come Sail Away': A big success! A new club event to introduce boating and the EYC to the community was held on July 15th. The EYC invited the public to enjoy our beautiful Little Bay de Noc and enjoy a free sailboat ride. All 30 opens were filled in advance. Times for 1 hour rides were 10:00, 11:30, or 1:00 p.m. Thanks the following 5 boat owner who gave there time the event by providing rides to the participants - Anthony, Gardner, Hansen, Woodaz, and Good. Thanks to Greg Gardner and Cindy Anthony for organizing the event.
4th of July Breakfast at the Club: TA beautiful summer morning welcomed the July 4th breakfast. A hearty breakfast helped the members, visiting boaters, and the public start get the stay started right. Thanks to Jim & Alice Hansen, Roger and Windy Good, and the members who helpd.
June 2017 Bay Breeze: Thanks to Marilyn Kinsey Brown for authoring the newsletter and the many contributors! Click here to download
Commodores Dinner & C.W. Stoll Race - June 17th
Thanks to Commodore Dave & Cindy for another impressive EYC Dinner. The crowd enjoyed company of fellow members and friends. The classic C.W. Stoll Race results were: Cruising Class - 1) Moonshadow 2) Lyda Rose / Spinnaker Class - 1) Dolce 2) Seven Up
Kick of the Summer Season at the EYC!
Come to the opening party and reconnect with your boating friends beginning at 6 p.m. Bring a snack to share. No charge and we will have pop and ice. Please tell the parade officials that you are going to the EYC and they will let you past the barricade. The Cruisin Classics car parade starts at 7:00.
Opening Party - Kick of the Summer Season at the EYC!
The Club Open Party kicked off the season with a bang. Big crowds enjoyed a beautiful June night. The Fun Run had record #'s with a reported 400 cars! Amazing!!
Nautical Chart Collection Gifted to the Escanaba Public Library
The Escanaba Public Library is pleased to announce the generous gift of over 1,289 nautical charts from Dr. Richard Fink. This large chart collection includes charts covering parts of the Great Lakes, US East Coast, and West Coast, Canadian Great Lakes, St. Lawrence River and Gulf, Labrador, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, Caribbean & West Indies, Atlantic islands, the Mediterranean Sea, English Channel, North Sea, Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand, and Oceania. Printed charts can simplify planning and identification of details and hazards along a course, offering a very different perspective than zooming in and out of an electronic chart on a small screen. The collection will be a great resource and attraction for boaters to study charts of interest. It will also be a useful reference tool for readers who wish to view the navigable waters, mentioned in a story or article. The Escanaba Public Library Nautical Chart Collection was started with the move to the new building in 1995 with chart donations from Dale and Ruthie Vinette, Terry Reynolds, Charles Vader, Tom and Peg Lippart, and Dean Shipman. An index to the new collection is located on the Escanaba Public Library website at: www.escanabalibrary.org. An orientation and presentation for the public is scheduled for April 24, 2017 at 6:30PM, at the Escanaba Public Library, 400 Ludington Street in Downtown Escanaba. For more information, call the library at 906-789-7323. Click here for the Escanaba Public Library flyer.
International Nite Iceboat Association sends thanks!
The International Nite iceboat association would like to take this opportunity to thank the the communities of Gladstone and Escanaba, particularly the Escanaba Yacht Club for hosting a very successful regatta. The exceptional hospitality we received warmed our hearts in some very chilly weather. The regatta was a huge success and we are very grateful for the gracious welcome we were afforded. The 35 competitors and their entourage (family and friends), experienced the true spirit of the Upper Peninsula. Our "Yooper" friends provided fond memories we will each carry with the same passion we have for this great sport. Regards, Don Sanford Commodore
The March 2017 Bay Breeze newsletter is hot off the press! Thanks to Marilyn Kinsey Brown for authoring the newsletter! Content is king and several members provided articles and information. Thanks to Commodore Dave Anthony for sending out the Bay Breeze by email. The goal is to distribute the Bay Breeze electronically. Click Here for the March 2017
Bay Breeze
> For members who requested a mailed newsletter, and for members without a viable email in our database, the issue will be sent soon.
> To update your email address and to share news or articles the next issue email the EYC at Escanabayachtclub@gmail.com
The Escanaba Marina and EYC is featured in the current issue of the Great Lakes Scuttlebutt magazine sharing the beauty and attractions of our area! Thanks to Todd Hurley for initiating the connection and Hurley Marine as advertising sponsor. Thanks to Marilyn Kinsey-Brown for authoring the article with assistance by Escanaba Marina and Delta County Visitor & Convention Bureau. Click here for the webpage article.
The Nite Iceboat Northwest Regatta was held on Little Bay-de-Noc on March 11th & 12th.
40 iceboats from the Midwest traveled to Escanaba and received a warm EYC welcome. The Regatta was based at the Terrace Bay Inn with the races sailed on the east side of the Bay. The EYC members provided coffee and the Club sponsored a hot lunch on the ice. Members also set up ramps and helped the racers rig the boats. The Nite website reported, "This place will be hard to beat". Hurrah for Terry Reynolds who coordinated with the Nite Organization, area iceboaters, and the local resources to bring this event here. Thanks to Jim Walch, Cindy-Dave-Tyler- Josh Anthony, Mike Manning, Bob Yin and many other EYC members who devoted their weekend and providing EYC hospitality. Memeber Greg Gardner served on the Nite Race Committee. Mike Derusha from Menominee, who has many local connections, was instrumental in coordinating the event and serving on the Race Committee.
Members iceboaters Terry Reynolds, Bill Movalson, and Kris Photenhauer competed in the Silver Fleet. Below are just a few photos from Saturday. Also posted is a drone video of iceboating on the Bay filmed the weekend before the Regatta.
The Nite Iceboat Northwest Regatta was held on Little Bay-de-Noc on March 11th & 12th.
40 iceboats from the Midwest traveled to Escanaba and received a warm EYC welcome. The Regatta was based at the Terrace Bay Inn with the races sailed on the east side of the Bay. The EYC members provided coffee and the Club sponsored a hot lunch on the ice. Members also set up ramps and helped the racers rig the boats. The Nite website reported, "This place will be hard to beat".
Hurrah for Terry Reynolds who coordinated with the Nite Organization, area iceboaters, and the local resources to bring this event here. Thanks to Jim Walch, Cindy-Dave-Tyler- Josh Anthony, Mike Manning, Bob Yin and many other EYC members who devoted their weekend and providing EYC hospitality. Memeber Greg Gardner served on the Nite Race Committee. Mike Derusha from Menominee, who has many local connections, was instrumental in coordinating the event and serving on the Race Committee.
Members iceboaters Terry Reynolds, Bill Movalson, and Kris Photenhauer competed in the Silver Fleet. Below are just a few photos from Saturday. Also posted is a drone video of iceboating on the Bay filmed the weekend before the Regatta.
40 iceboats from the Midwest traveled to Escanaba and received a warm EYC welcome. The Regatta was based at the Terrace Bay Inn with the races sailed on the east side of the Bay. The EYC members provided coffee and the Club sponsored a hot lunch on the ice. Members also set up ramps and helped the racers rig the boats. The Nite website reported, "This place will be hard to beat".
Hurrah for Terry Reynolds who coordinated with the Nite Organization, area iceboaters, and the local resources to bring this event here. Thanks to Jim Walch, Cindy-Dave-Tyler- Josh Anthony, Mike Manning, Bob Yin and many other EYC members who devoted their weekend and providing EYC hospitality. Memeber Greg Gardner served on the Nite Race Committee. Mike Derusha from Menominee, who has many local connections, was instrumental in coordinating the event and serving on the Race Committee.
Members iceboaters Terry Reynolds, Bill Movalson, and Kris Photenhauer competed in the Silver Fleet. Below are just a few photos from Saturday. Also posted is a drone video of iceboating on the Bay filmed the weekend before the Regatta.
Iceboats 2 from Drone UP North on Vimeo.
Sadly we report that Bob Sendenburgh, long time member & fixture at the Marina passed away unexpectedly. Marilyn shared the following tribute to Bob:
Bob Sendenburgh was a great teacher about sailing from his many years of experience. He carefully observed the weather, and knew how to select, equip and maintain a sailboat to be a pleasure to own, well into his 80’s. A small, well-built sailboat, such as a Fisher 25 Daysailor, was within his budget of time, money and physical strength. A sturdy rub rail, good protection from the sun and weather, a reliable autopilot and inside steering, an emergency anchor on the transom within easy reach, high bulwarks with sturdy handholds and lifelines to stay comfortably and safely on board, and a stereo to listen to Strauss waltzes, made sailing with Bob a pleasure!
The sail plan shows a variety of relatively small sails, all on furlers, which were easily adjusted to the wind and sea conditions. With extra sailors on board, a small spinnaker was fun to show off! A generously sized motor, allowed him to sail, almost every day with moderate winds, by motoring to windward 3-5 miles, and then reaching and jibing, to turn into the wind in the lee of Sand Point to furl the sails, and motor back to his slip. He had carefully planned docklines, using a spring line with a loop to drop it over a particular post, and then power gently sideways into the dock. Ah, for a sturdy rubrail!
Bob welcomed sailors on board, while at the dock, to share stories, and questions about how to fix something, or sailing techniques. The boatyard was his favorite daily location in the Spring and Fall, to chat with other boat owners, and do the necessary To Do list projects to keep his boat in reliable working order. Bob was a classy gentleman sailor, very knowledgeable, with a soft spoken voice, clear directions when assistance was needed or offered, and a wealth of sailing experience to share willingly with others. He will be missed by all who knew him.
Bob Sendenburgh was a great teacher about sailing from his many years of experience. He carefully observed the weather, and knew how to select, equip and maintain a sailboat to be a pleasure to own, well into his 80’s. A small, well-built sailboat, such as a Fisher 25 Daysailor, was within his budget of time, money and physical strength. A sturdy rub rail, good protection from the sun and weather, a reliable autopilot and inside steering, an emergency anchor on the transom within easy reach, high bulwarks with sturdy handholds and lifelines to stay comfortably and safely on board, and a stereo to listen to Strauss waltzes, made sailing with Bob a pleasure!
The sail plan shows a variety of relatively small sails, all on furlers, which were easily adjusted to the wind and sea conditions. With extra sailors on board, a small spinnaker was fun to show off! A generously sized motor, allowed him to sail, almost every day with moderate winds, by motoring to windward 3-5 miles, and then reaching and jibing, to turn into the wind in the lee of Sand Point to furl the sails, and motor back to his slip. He had carefully planned docklines, using a spring line with a loop to drop it over a particular post, and then power gently sideways into the dock. Ah, for a sturdy rubrail!
Bob welcomed sailors on board, while at the dock, to share stories, and questions about how to fix something, or sailing techniques. The boatyard was his favorite daily location in the Spring and Fall, to chat with other boat owners, and do the necessary To Do list projects to keep his boat in reliable working order. Bob was a classy gentleman sailor, very knowledgeable, with a soft spoken voice, clear directions when assistance was needed or offered, and a wealth of sailing experience to share willingly with others. He will be missed by all who knew him.
Annual Banquet Recap - January 21, 2017.
• The Terrace Bay Inn provided the perfect setting for a wonderful evening. The members and guests enjoyed a great dinner and caught up with fellow members.
• The program included introduction of David Anthony as the new EYC Commodore and election of Greg Gardner and Bob Rosenfeldt to the board. Don Pfotenhauer is stepping of the Board after many years - thanks Don.
• Congratulations to David Anthony who was honored as Yachtsman of the Year. Robert Yin earned honors as Sailor of the Year.
• Griffin Johnson was presented with a special trophy for Best (and youngest) Foredeck Crew.
• The Terrace Bay Inn provided the perfect setting for a wonderful evening. The members and guests enjoyed a great dinner and caught up with fellow members.
• The program included introduction of David Anthony as the new EYC Commodore and election of Greg Gardner and Bob Rosenfeldt to the board. Don Pfotenhauer is stepping of the Board after many years - thanks Don.
• Congratulations to David Anthony who was honored as Yachtsman of the Year. Robert Yin earned honors as Sailor of the Year.
• Griffin Johnson was presented with a special trophy for Best (and youngest) Foredeck Crew.

A spooky fun good time at the 2016 Holloween & Closing Party!
2016 News & Updates
2016 News & Updates
- The state wide 'Recreating in the Outdoors' event is August 6th.
- The City of Escanaba approved the lease, with revisions, at the August 4th City Council Meeting. The approved lease included additional modification that further alleviated the concerns by members and board. We thank the City Council and City Administration for their support! Also, thanks to the members who shared comments and input. The new lease will be posted on the website when available.
- Radio Controlled (RC) Soiling Sailing: 4:30 p.m. on Mondays. Terry is the RC organizer. Stop by to Sail, Race, & Learn.
- Racing: The August Series begins August 3rd. Skippers meeting at 6 p.m. & start at 7 p.m. If your interested in crewing, attend the Skippers Meeting and ask for John.
- Summer fantastic day for the MarinaFest. Great sail racing, RC demonstration, and music at the Marina.
- The Independence Day Brunch was a big success. Thanks to Cindy Anthony and the members who worked the event. Around 90 members, boaters, and the public were served.
- June 25th was the EYC Commodore's Dinner and C.W. Stoll Race. Congratulatons to Dolce' and Moonshadow for their first place finishes.
- The EYC Board of Directors meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Members are encouraged to attend.
- The Opening Party kicked off the 2016 Season. A good crowd attended to enjoy the Club and the start of the Fun Run Car Parade. Thanks to Cindy for organizing the party.
- The new deck looks fantastic! A few finishing touches to complete. The wood deck has served the club for many years however the age and condition of the deck posed concerns. The new porch is be functional, attractive, and updates the look of the club.

5/21/16: Sadly we bid bid farewell to Bob Johnson who passed today following a courageous battle with cancer.
Bob was a fixture at the harbor who was regular on the race course and cruising the Bay aboard his boat Fairwaves. He raced many Mac races and completed several ocean yacht deliveries. He was the 2014 EYC Sailor of the Year. Contrary to his nickname, Bob was anything but average!
As his boat is appropriately named - we wish him Fairwaves and following seas!
Bob was a fixture at the harbor who was regular on the race course and cruising the Bay aboard his boat Fairwaves. He raced many Mac races and completed several ocean yacht deliveries. He was the 2014 EYC Sailor of the Year. Contrary to his nickname, Bob was anything but average!
As his boat is appropriately named - we wish him Fairwaves and following seas!
2015 News Updates
♦ Pasta Dinner & Frostbite Regatta - September 12th : Thanks to Roxanne for hosting the event and to Gail plus all the helpers for a fantastic Italian Dinner. The weather was windy and sunny making for a great Frostbite race. The results were: Spinnaker Class: 1) Hope 2) Dolce 3) Seven Up Cruising Class: 1) Snap Decision 2) Moonshadow 3) Silly Ol' Bear
♦ "Walk the Dock Dinner" - August 22nd: The first "Walk the Dock " was a big hit! The Club members walked the dock to visit and tour participating EYC member boats. Cindy served an excellent dinner afterwards and the group enjoyed a social evening.
♦ Recreating in the Great Outdoors - August 8th: This worthy program is sponsored by the Delta County Regional Inclusive Community Coalition (RIIC), Bay de Noc Gobblers provides, and the Mix & Mingle Community Events. The program provides outdoor opportunities for people with different abilities. Thanks to Dan Cretens, Steve Richards, and Jim Hansen for providing pontoon and sailboat rides to the participants.
♦ Marina Fest - August 8th: Applause to Larry plus the volunteers and contributors! The weather was perfect and it was a great day for music at the marina. Click here for the list of bands and events.
♦ EYC sailors competed in several major races on the Lakes. Dan Branson competed in the Chicago - Mackinac, Queen's Cup, and 100-Miler. John Anthony raced the Queen's Cup and Hook Race. Greg Gardner competed in the Hook Race. Fred Oswald raced the Port Huron - Mackinac Race. Great to see our local sailors participating in the major lake events!
♦ Thanks to the Hansens for hosting the July 4th Brunch. The event was a success with Club Members and visiting boaters enjoying the event.
♦ Thanks to the Gardner's and Hansen's for taking visiting golfers out for a sail. Also thanks to Todd for being on standby. The golfers were playing in the Island Resort National Symetra Tour. The golfers were from several countries including Germany, Ecuador, and the Philippines. A great example of the EYC Club members supporting the community.
♦ Rock the Dock is Friday, July 3rd, at the Municipal Dock. Kids events during the day with the bands - featuring the Cadillac's.
♦ Terry R. reported that Cedar River Marina entrance is marked with 10 new buoys. Also, Fayette docs are open for the season.
• Thanks to Don & Barb for plus all the members who helped with a fantastic Board/Commodore's Dinner. Can't top steaks on the grill!
• C.W. Stoll Race: Congratulations to Dolce & Robert Yin for dashing to 1st place. The fleet was very close with Fairwaves (Bob Johnson) 2nd and Lyda Rose (Greg Gardner) 3rd.
• Wednesday night racing is underway. Join us the Club on Wednesday nights to race or just to enjoy the start (at 7 p.m.).
• The Opening Party was well attended by members and guests. The Fun Run car parade entertained the attendees. A great time was had by all.
• Congratulations to Josie Gardener on her High School Graduation. Best wishes to her at University of Michigan this fall.
• May is here - yahoo! The season is started with boats arriving to the Marina. Vinnette's is hopping as the boats are prepped for the season.
• Fast & Super Cool! The Internation Skeeter Association held the 2015 Championship Regatta on Little Bay De Noc off the Gladstone Beach. Here is a cool video. Information on the event at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_W1XuXHKkEc
• The Annual EYC Banquet, held on January 24th, was a great event. The members enjoyed a delicious dinner and enjoyable evening at the House of Ludington. Congratulations to Bob Johnson who was awarded Yachtsman of the Year and to Kent Anderson who received the Sailor of the Year award!
2014 News Updates
♦ Pasta Dinner & Frostbite Regatta - September 12th : Thanks to Roxanne for hosting the event and to Gail plus all the helpers for a fantastic Italian Dinner. The weather was windy and sunny making for a great Frostbite race. The results were: Spinnaker Class: 1) Hope 2) Dolce 3) Seven Up Cruising Class: 1) Snap Decision 2) Moonshadow 3) Silly Ol' Bear
♦ "Walk the Dock Dinner" - August 22nd: The first "Walk the Dock " was a big hit! The Club members walked the dock to visit and tour participating EYC member boats. Cindy served an excellent dinner afterwards and the group enjoyed a social evening.
♦ Recreating in the Great Outdoors - August 8th: This worthy program is sponsored by the Delta County Regional Inclusive Community Coalition (RIIC), Bay de Noc Gobblers provides, and the Mix & Mingle Community Events. The program provides outdoor opportunities for people with different abilities. Thanks to Dan Cretens, Steve Richards, and Jim Hansen for providing pontoon and sailboat rides to the participants.
♦ Marina Fest - August 8th: Applause to Larry plus the volunteers and contributors! The weather was perfect and it was a great day for music at the marina. Click here for the list of bands and events.
♦ EYC sailors competed in several major races on the Lakes. Dan Branson competed in the Chicago - Mackinac, Queen's Cup, and 100-Miler. John Anthony raced the Queen's Cup and Hook Race. Greg Gardner competed in the Hook Race. Fred Oswald raced the Port Huron - Mackinac Race. Great to see our local sailors participating in the major lake events!
♦ Thanks to the Hansens for hosting the July 4th Brunch. The event was a success with Club Members and visiting boaters enjoying the event.
♦ Thanks to the Gardner's and Hansen's for taking visiting golfers out for a sail. Also thanks to Todd for being on standby. The golfers were playing in the Island Resort National Symetra Tour. The golfers were from several countries including Germany, Ecuador, and the Philippines. A great example of the EYC Club members supporting the community.
♦ Rock the Dock is Friday, July 3rd, at the Municipal Dock. Kids events during the day with the bands - featuring the Cadillac's.
♦ Terry R. reported that Cedar River Marina entrance is marked with 10 new buoys. Also, Fayette docs are open for the season.
• Thanks to Don & Barb for plus all the members who helped with a fantastic Board/Commodore's Dinner. Can't top steaks on the grill!
• C.W. Stoll Race: Congratulations to Dolce & Robert Yin for dashing to 1st place. The fleet was very close with Fairwaves (Bob Johnson) 2nd and Lyda Rose (Greg Gardner) 3rd.
• Wednesday night racing is underway. Join us the Club on Wednesday nights to race or just to enjoy the start (at 7 p.m.).
• The Opening Party was well attended by members and guests. The Fun Run car parade entertained the attendees. A great time was had by all.
• Congratulations to Josie Gardener on her High School Graduation. Best wishes to her at University of Michigan this fall.
• May is here - yahoo! The season is started with boats arriving to the Marina. Vinnette's is hopping as the boats are prepped for the season.
• Fast & Super Cool! The Internation Skeeter Association held the 2015 Championship Regatta on Little Bay De Noc off the Gladstone Beach. Here is a cool video. Information on the event at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_W1XuXHKkEc
• The Annual EYC Banquet, held on January 24th, was a great event. The members enjoyed a delicious dinner and enjoyable evening at the House of Ludington. Congratulations to Bob Johnson who was awarded Yachtsman of the Year and to Kent Anderson who received the Sailor of the Year award!
2014 News Updates
- The Pasta Dinner was a wonderful evening with a full Club House. The food was outstanding and Roxanne's home made sauces were definately italian gourmet. Thanks to Roxanne and Dan Branson for chairing the event. Thanks to Fred & Mary Weisse, Gail & Randy Rice, and all who helped.
- Frostbite Race Restults: Congratulations to Dan Branson & Moxie for taking first place in the Spinnaker Class with Larry and Sudy Gravatt about Ruffian in second. The Cruising class was won by David & Joshua Anthony aboard Moonshadow.
- Fantastic Steak Dinner! Thanks to Larry & Sudy Gravatt, Mike & Mara Manning, and all who helped.
- The EYC Brunch was held on July 5th under a beautiful morning sky. The food was great! Thanks to Jim and Alice Hansen and their crew of help to put on this popular event.
- Thanks to Chef Alex Sundstrom and Mike Sundstrom for a excellent Pork Roast and dinner. The crowd enjoyed a relaxed picnic style dinner and the club plus the great food.
- The Stoll Race was held under cloudy but pleassant conditions with 6 competitors on the course. Congratulation to Mayhem followed closely by Hope then Lydia Rose.
- The Opening Party brought out a large crowd who enjoyed kicking off the season and viewing the Fun Run Auto Parade under wonderful May weather.
- Annual Banquet: Congratulations to Jim Hansen on Yachtsman of the Year, Dan Branson for Sailor of the Year, and to Tom & Barb Agerter for Boat of the year. If you couldn't join us this year, see you in 2015!
- Annual EYC Banquet was held on Saturday, January 18th. It was a fabulous evening with plenty to rave about. The warmth and friendship at the House of Ludington Marine Room provided a warm reprieve from the January cold. The dinner was excellent and the drinks flowed. In addition to all the socializing, the Race and Club Awards were announced. Congratulations to Jim Hansen on Yachtsman of the Year, Dan Branson for Sailor of the Year, and to Tom & Barb Agerter for Boat of the year. If you couldn't join us this year, see you in 2015!
- Thanks to Roxanne Branson for a fabulous pasta dinner. A full house, great people, beautiful fall decorations, and a great dinner - what more could you want!
- The Frostbite Rate was a fantastic day on the water. Strong south winds and grand seas challenged the fleet as we traversed the course out to Ford River, Eleven Foot Shoals, then finish. Congratulations to Chris Pfotenhauer who skippered Yaatteeh to 1st place. Mayhem with Team Agerter was 2nd and Tom Woodaz with Seven Up was 3rd. Amazingly G-Force & Moonshadow tied for 4th place - right to the second!
- The EYC Regatta was held under breezy and beautiful conditions. The event had solid attendance with the crews & families enjoying post race social hosted by Roxanne and Dan Branson. First place in the Cruising Class went to Mike Englund and Silly Ole Bear. The plus class (spinnakers and longer course) was lead by Expeditious skippered by John Anthony.
- Venetian Night played to a packed house! With the Esky 150 in full swing the community filled the Municipal Dock to enjoy the water ski show, bands, food vendors, and the Venetian Night parade. 13 boats participated - a good show of support by the EYC members.
- Hat's off the Alice & Jim Hansen plus the squadron of volunteers for putting a fabulouse July 5th brunch. The brunch was well attended and welcomed by the visiting boaters.
- EYC Community Support: In addition to being the welcoming point for visiting boaters and helping showcase Escanaba's fabulous waterfront; we extend use of our Club to organizations including the Coast Guard Auxiliary, Sea Scouts, and Esky 150. This year the EYC funded the placement of 12 American Flags to grace Jenkins Drive along the harbor entrance.
- Boaters from the Fish Creek Yacht Club cruise to Escanaba was another successful event. The rendezvous brings boaters to our Marina and Community helping to promote the Escanba a first class destination port.
- Congrats to Tom Agerter who skipperd Mayhem to 1st place in the June Series. Hope and Windy were tied for 2nd place. 3rd place was shared by Moonshadow, Impulse, and G-Force. The results are posted on the Race page.
- The Stoll Race was sailed in foggy but pleasant conditions. Congratulations to Tom & Barb Mayhem sailing a fast race to first. Second was Hope skippered by Kent Anderson followed by Moonshadow with the Anthony crew. Great race!
- The Opening Party was a big success.! A big crowd attended to kick off the season and enjoy the Fun Run car parade.

Tom & Barb Agerter (Escanaba natives, EYC Members, accomplished single & double handed racers) have completed the 2012 Pac Cup Sailboat Race. The race was from San Francisco to Hawaii = 2,070 nautical miles! www.sailblogs.com/member/weatherlyYou can review their blog at www.sailblogs.com/member/weatherly plus the the article that appeared in Escanaba Daily Press. Congratulations Tom & Barb!
The Annual Banquet was held January 19, 2013. It was a fantastic evening with the following highlights:
2012 News Updates
The boat has a remarkable history. Originally built in 1925 for Norway's Crown Print Olav and names Oslo, then to John Mitchell in Escanaba, and eventually into a state of disrepair in Port Huron. Chris Shram of the Netherlands, who is John's grandson, found the boat and painstakingly restored it. The Oslo was in Escanaba for final fitting and then shipped to Europe. Read the story at www.oslo6mr.com
- The House of Ludington provided a great dinner and fitting venue for the event.
- Treasurer Gail Rice reported to the members the financial report and summarized that the accounts are in good order.
- Tom & Barb Agerter provided a captivating program on their race from San Francisco to Hawaii. The recount of the race was complimented by a wonderful display of photos.
- The 2012 Race Awards. The Boat of the Year was awarded to Madd Cow skippered by Michael Manning and Team.
- Sailor of the Year was awarded to Tom and Barb Agerter. Together they raced the Trans-Pacific double handed aboard their Olsen 30, Weatherly, while proudly flying the EYC flag as their home port.
- Yachtsman of the Year was awarded to Todd Hurley and Michael Manning who along with Mary and Mara have served as enthusiastic ambassadors to the EYC and marina. Together they initiated a successful rendezvous of Fish Creek boaters at the EYC helping us gain new members.
2012 News Updates
- Thanks to Mark Ammel for hosting the Closing Dinner & Party that featured artisan grilled pizzas at the club.
- Thanks to Roxanne and Dan Branson for a fabulous Pasta Dinner on September 15th. Additional thanks to Gail & Randy Rice, Tom & Karen Dubow, and Greg & Sarah Gardner for their assistance.
- Tom & Barb Agerter (Escanaba natives, EYC Members, accomplished single & double handed racers) have completed the 2012 Pac Cup Sailboat Race. The race was from San Francisco to Hawaii = 2,070 nautical miles! You can review their blog at www.sailblogs.com/member/weatherly plus the the article that appeared in Escanaba Daily Press.
- Congratulations to Mark Meyers who skippered Ruffian to a 1st place finish in the EYC Regatta. Close behind was Bill Jasko's Praise in 2nd place and Michael Manning's Madd Cow in 3rd.
- Thanks to the Fish Creek Power Boaters who are visited the Escanaba Marina August 17th - 19th. A group of around 15 boats joined the cruise. Thanks to Todd Hurley and Mike Manning for their work to host the event bringing boats to our Marina and visitors to Escanaba.
- Thanks to Larry Gravatt for chairing the EYC/GYC Party and Race. Congratulations to Mark Meyer who skippered Ruffian to first place in the EYC/GYC Regatta. With 9 entries including several Gladstone boats it was a great race in superb conditions.
- Marina Fest was took place on Saturday, August 4th. Again this year the Marina was the place to be with bands, food vendors, a beer tent, and more! The event is a great opportunity for the Club members and boaters to enjoy their home port and to showcase the marina to the public. Great job Larry!
- Congratulations to the crew of Twister on winning both their class and first overall in the 2012 Queens Cup. Twister, owned by Herb Wake of Menominee, included club sailors Dan Branson and John Anthony aboard. The race was from Milwaukee to South Haven with approximately 150 boats participating.
- Thanks to Larry & Sudy Gravatt who hosted the July 4th brunch with the help of family and friends. Many club members, visiting boaters, and guests attended the brunch. The event is a fundraiser for the Club providing important financial support. Great event!!
- The June Wednesday Night Series is complete. We a had total of 13 boats participate with an average of nearly 10 boats per race. Fantastic! Results are on the Race page. Congratulations to Madd Cow on 1st place, G-Force at 2nd place, and Lyda Rose in 3rd. A big thanks to all the skippers, crew, and family that participated. Applause for those who hosted the post race social. Hat's off to Josie to did a great job on the Race Committee. The August series starts on July 25th - see you then!
- The C.W. Stoll race brought a brisk, but warm, northerly breeze with the 7 boat fleet quickly romping around the course. Congratulations to Grace - winner of the Stoll Race followed by Fairwaves and Madd Cow.
The boat has a remarkable history. Originally built in 1925 for Norway's Crown Print Olav and names Oslo, then to John Mitchell in Escanaba, and eventually into a state of disrepair in Port Huron. Chris Shram of the Netherlands, who is John's grandson, found the boat and painstakingly restored it. The Oslo was in Escanaba for final fitting and then shipped to Europe. Read the story at www.oslo6mr.com
- The Annual Banquet was a fantastic evening! The club members took a mid winter break to enjoy a friendship, awards, and great program. The 'Lud' once again was the place to be and everyone enjoyed a fine dinner. Thanks to Mara & Mike Manning for entertaining us with a great video on their trip through the Panama Canal and to the Northwest. Greg Gardner was a worthy recipient of the Sailor of the Year Award. Special congratulations to Dean Shipman - Yachtsman of the Year!!
- The Closing Dinner was held October 8th and hosted by Michael and Mara Manning. The menu featured a fall flavors highlighted by deep-fried turkey, cheesy potatoes, green been casserole, and pumpkin pie.
- Race Results: The Frostbite Race gave the participants spectacular conditions with 8 boats on the line. Congratulations to the winner Praise, followed by the Alberg 35 and Ruffian. The August Series results are 1st - Lyda Rose with 2nd to Ruffian, and 3rd has yet to be calculated.
- The Maritime Festival Venetian Parade was well attended by EYC boaters. Thanks to Larry Gravatt for spearheading the parade. Here is a link to photo's taken by Randy Lippold. http://escanabayachtclub.shutterfly.com/172
- Tom & Barb Agerter are completed the Trans-Superior Race - 326 nautical miles from Sault St. Marie to Duluth. They completed the race in 3 days & 19 hours for a 2nd place finish on corrected time in the double handed class. Congratulations! Next year their planning to race the Trans-Pac!
- Applause to EYC member and Harbor Master Larry Gravatt for organizing the first Escanaba Marina Festivalal held on August 6th. The event featured food vendors, music, a beer tent, and more! Great Event!!
- Congratulations to Tom Trudgeon on Solitude II and Tom & Barb Agerter on Weatherly who competed in the M&M 100-Miler race. Dan Branson aboard Twister powered to first in class. Cathexis from Gladstone sped to a first to finish on elapsed time.
- Congratulations to Praise (Bill Jasko) from the Gladstone Yacht Club for taking 1st in the C.W. Stoll race with Weatherly (Tom & Barb Agerter) placing a close 2nd, and Grace (Ed Oswald) on 3rd place. Full results are posted on the Racing page.
- Thanks to Don & Barb Pfotenhauer for hosting a great Commodore's Dinner!
- The Annual Banquet was another memorable event. The House of Ludington Marine Room was a fitting setting for the a great dinner, trophy awards, a entertaining presentation by Todd Hurley & crew (see the video on the Cruising page), and of course plenty of socializing. The crowd stayed late and enjoyed the winter get together. The Yachtsman of Year awards was presented posthumously to T. Dale Vinnette and Sailor of the Year was awarded to John T. Anthony. With no boats dominating the race season there was no Boat of the Year awarded. Don Pfotenhaer continues as Commodore and David Anthony, outgoing Secretary, reported that club finances were sound and in good order.
- Farewell to our friend and fellow EYC member, T.D. Vinette, who passed away on July 8th. T.D. was well known around the lakes for his many nautical accomplishments and as founder of Vinette Boat Works.
- Congratulations to Paul Carne who raced aboard the boat "Singlehanded" in the Chicago-Mac race and took 3rd in their class. Dan Branson also competed in the Mac race aboard "Twister".
- Club member Tom Agerter successfully completed the Lake Ontario 300 race in the single handed section - placing 4th in class. Congratulations to Tom on completing your 5th and final Great Lakes single handed race. CONGRATULATIONS to Tom & Barb!
- Tom & Barb Agerter are competing in the Lake Ontario 300. Tom is comepting in the single handed section. Together they trailed Jacelyn from Duluth to the race. Afterward, the boat should be Escanaba. Watch for updates and be sure to say hello to Tom & Barb when their in Esky.
- July is a popular month for cruising. Brown's will be departing for North Channel and Georgian Bay. Bring back or email me your favorite photo from your cruise and I'll share it on the EYC website.
- Congratulations to David Anthony of Moonshadow for placing 1st in the Stoll Race Regatta, and to Roger Good/Windy for 2nd place and Bob Johnson/Fair Waves for 3rd
- Local sailors Dan Branson and Paul Carne competed in the Queen's Cup. Dan was aboard Twister taking 1st in Division 1. Paul was aboard 'Shorthanded' taking 2nd in Division 5 and 12th overall. Congratulations Dan & Paul!
- Interest in developing Radio Controlled (RC) sailboat fleet is brewing. RC racing is popular in many areas of the country and yacht clubs. We have several members interested. Many classes of RC sailboats exist with the primary interest being the Laser Class. Click here for the Soling 1M website and the Victor Model website. To learn more, contact Terry Reynolds or John Anthony.
- Thanks to our new Harbor Master (Larry Gravatt), a dedicated staff, and the support of the City - the condition and upkeep of the marina is clearly improved. Thanks to the marina staff!
- Tom & Barb Agerter are competing in the 2010 Lake Ontario 300. Tom will be racing in the single handed class and Barb is the shore team. Tom & Barb are the 2009 EYC Sailor of Year.
- While vacation in the Caribbean - John Anthony stopped by the St. Lucia Yacht Club. A great little club with a dedicated youth sailing program. Check out the photo
- Congratulations to Tom and Barb Agerter, the 2009 EYC Sailor of the Year! The Boat of the Year was Jacelyn skippered by Tom & Barb. The 2009 Yachtsman of the Year was awarded to the 'EYC Members' in recognition of the Club's 75th anniversary and all the members who contributed to its success.